Dylan McHugh

Dylan started WITH us in May 2023 and within the first 4 weeks he started to see progress. 

ThESE pictureS wERE taken 4 months apart, and in that time, Dylan’s cycling had improved drastically due to his strength and fitness improvements.  

Dylan is consistent and trains 3 to 4 times a week. His goal when he arrived was to improve his strength but he has achieved so much more. A huge improvement in his fitness levels and a toned physique to go alongside the strength he has built. 



Chris Home

JUNE 2020

I came to Lee following rota cuff surgery, with the following prime objectives.

- Increase the mobility and strength of my shoulder.

- Increase my overall strength/fitness.

While I’m a project it it’s early days and still in progress, I have made significant gains in a limited period of time which I was not expecting. Lee is a great motivator, and has encourage me to make changes in life which will only help deliver the success of my personal goals set.